Automation Excursion 2020 at Siemens SIPAPAER DCS Training
As part of the automation course taught by Dr. Tobias A. Kleemann (MUAS), 14 students from the Munich University of Applied Sciences’ Paper Technology Master´s programme have successfully completed the Siemens SIPAPER DCS workshop 2020. Under the direction of Dr. Hermann Schwarz (Siemens), these students from several countries participated in a professional seminar taught by Mr. Joao Fernandes (Siemens), specifically tailored to them, to teach the programming and operation of the Siemens SIMATIC PCS 7 system. On the final day, Mr. Gerd Michaelis (Siemens) expanded on this and presented the Siemens SIPAPER Drives APL, diving into the automation and electrical systems necessary for advanced motor controls on a modern paper machine.